
Showing posts from September, 2009


Life has been like walking on water for me for the past one year. Walking on water means walking in an unstable platform. Water under your feet keeps moving. Its not stable. Sometimes life seems so unstable as it was for peter. Peter step out of his boat and started walking on water and guess what he succeeded. Do you know how. It was not based on strength of his legs or some great strategy that he used. His walk was based on where he fixed his eyes. His eyes helped him to walk on water. Where was his eyes fixed on. His eyes were fixed on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. When he took his eyes off Jesus, he began to sink. Whenever our eyes are fixed on Jesus, walking in a unstable world would be easy. But once you take your eyes off Jesus, you can sense you heart sinking. Fear comes in and takes the throne. A sense of hopelessness comes in. Frustration, anger, and anxiety take their position. I have found this very true in my life. The minute I adjust my lens of my heart and...