Solving Bigger Problems!!!
As we come to the end of 2010, there may be too many unanswered prayers this year. What I have learnt this year regarding unanswered prayers is that God is SOLVING MUCH BIGGER PROBLEMS. Let’s look at one of Jesus’s request that was not granted. (Yes you read it right) Jesus was about to enter is final hours of his life. He was about to be crucified on the cross. Here, Jesus prays that he will be saved from the cross. But the answer he got was NO. Why? The Father gave a negative reply to Jesus because He was solving a bigger problem. He was solving the problem of SINs of the World. May be some of the negative answers that you have received are because God is seeing the bigger picture and he is solving the bigger problem. Moses wanted to save one Hebrew but God wanted to save the entire nation. Joseph’s cry for help was not answered but God used him to save a nation. David could have prayed for more sheep and a well settled life but God wanted him to lead a nation. Ruth wanted food and...