Let Your Tears Fall
My father died in a bike accident some years back. During the funeral there were so many people, friends, relatives’ and neighbors. Many were trying to comfort me. They said a lot of things which I don’t remember now. But I remember one person, one of my friend, not because what he said, but because what he did. He wept. He wept with me. He never said a word, but he was by my side weeping. And somehow his tears comforted me. His tears showed me how much he loved me. Even today when I think of his tears, I am comforted. Tears somehow have this unique ability to show how much we love a person. In John chapter 11, we see a beautiful incident. (Please do read the chapter) Lazarus is sick. Jesus delays. Sisters Panic. Lazarus dies. Jesus arrives. Mary weeps at Jesus feet. And you know what I love this verse. JESUS WEPT. He didn’t hide his tears. He didn’t hold back his tears so that he would appear strong. No He Wept. What a God we Have. As we weep at his feet, He is moved, he is troubled...