
Showing posts from April, 2011

Let Your Tears Fall

My father died in a bike accident some years back. During the funeral there were so many people, friends, relatives’ and neighbors. Many were trying to comfort me. They said a lot of things which I don’t remember now. But I remember one person, one of my friend, not because what he said, but because what he did. He wept. He wept with me. He never said a word, but he was by my side weeping. And somehow his tears comforted me. His tears showed me how much he loved me. Even today when I think of his tears, I am comforted. Tears somehow have this unique ability to show how much we love a person. In John chapter 11, we see a beautiful incident. (Please do read the chapter) Lazarus is sick. Jesus delays. Sisters Panic. Lazarus dies. Jesus arrives. Mary weeps at Jesus feet. And you know what I love this verse. JESUS WEPT. He didn’t hide his tears. He didn’t hold back his tears so that he would appear strong. No He Wept. What a God we Have. As we weep at his feet, He is moved, he is troubled...

Wounds of Jesus...

We all want to be known by our achievements. We showcase our certificates and medals for others to known how great we are. But we hide our wounds from others. As I read John, the penultimate chapter, I see this pattern revised. As Jesus entered the room filled with disciples after the resurrection, there was Thomas. Thomas doubted whether it was really Jesus. So When Jesus appeared the second time and in John 20 verse 26 he says to Thomas “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” He was saying, Thomas do you want to know that it’s really me, then touch my wounds. It’s interesting to know that Jesus identifies himself with the wounds. As we are used to see in the Jesus movie, after the resurrection Jesus has a glow around his body. I think it’s was not like that. Jesus had to show his wounds for them to believe. Do you remember the other time when two disciples where walking down the road to Emmaus and Jesus joins ...