
Showing posts from August, 2011

Jesus Shouts - Drink

My mother knew the value of drinking water. She always told us to drink more water. She explained us how water is important for our body. So we drank water. She gave all the statistics about water and how it keeps our body on the right track. But recently she was sick. And the doctors told her that it was because she did not drink enough water. I was surprised. She knew the value of water. She had all the statistics right. She could take you through a lesson on water and you would not be bored. But what she failed to do was to actually drink it. She didn’t drink enough though she knew and taught all things to us. Well, this may be the condition of many who say they follow Christ. They know the value of the Christ. They may have the statistics of the bible at their finger tips. They also explain about how Christ keeps us at the right track. But someday they fall sick. And the reason, they have not actually drunk enough. As in the case of water, taking a drink is what matters. All the...

Trust and Fix

After 100 posts, I needed some rest :). So after a long break, here we go… Anxiety and worry are greatest enemies of peace. Having the inner peace can be destroyed by these two twin sisters. When I talk to different people, I come across many people who have lost their peace. Losing our peace starts in our mind. Always thinking what others may think about us is one way to stay anxious. Another way would be to fear about the future and worry about the past. So how do you come out of this anxious and worrying thought? You cannot come out of aniouxs thoughts by thinking more on the problem. The more you focus on the problem which is imaginary most of the time, the more anxious you get. One thing that I have found helpful to do when I am anxious is to focus on the One who is in Control. Many times we are anxious because we feel out of control or someone else takes control our lives. Isaiah 26:3 is a pill to regain peace. It says, You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, ...