Look for Someone!!

Everyone needs a little kindness. Whether it’s the boy at the grocery store, the server at the fast-food restaurant or the person sitting near you in the bus.

A kind word or a thoughtful deed can brighten their day. Many people labor under heavy loads. Our kindness can mean so much to them. Don’t withhold a kind deed when it’s in your means to do it.

David was looking someone whom he could be kind to. Are you really looking for some one whom you can be kind to? As David found a lame person, he made him come and stay with him and eat at his table. What kindness!! David’s kind act changed the person forever.

May we also like David should learn to look for some one whom we can be kind to today. Look, Look, Look, for someone.

Now David said, “Is there still anyone who is left of the house of Saul,
that I may show him kindness for Jonathan’s sake?”- 2 Samuel 9:1


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