I do not know this Jesus!
I do not know Him! How could peter ever utter
those words about Jesus? Peter knew Jesus for more than 3 years. They were
really close friends. Peter was in the inner circle, watching and following
Jesus very closely. His life was interwoven with the life of Jesus, that it
would be impossible to explain the life of peter without Jesus. Peter knew
Jesus very well. Well, atleast he thought he knew Jesus very well.
One of the early meetings with Jesus happened when
peter was mending his nets. Jesus used Peter’s boat as the pulpit. Peter
thought Jesus was a great teacher. Immediately after the teaching was over,
Jesus miracoulsy helped peter to fill his empty nets and boat with a enormous
catch of fishes. It was when Peter realized that Jesus was more than a teacher
who was searching for pulpits to preach. Jesus was searching for people. He
understood that Jesus had the power to perform miracles.
From there on Peter had the privilege of closely
observing the power of God through Jesus. Jesus changed water in to wine, Fed
thousands with 5 loaves, calmed the storm, raised the dead, tackled the cunning
Pharisees, cleansed the temple with authority, transfigured on the mountain
top, walked on water, cast the demons out. There was no stopping the power of
God. Jesus had authority and the power and Peter knew this Jesus.
He also had the revelations of God to confess
Jesus as the son of God.
Peter knew the powerful, miracle working,
authoritative, compassionate, life giving Jesus.
But last few days in the life of Jesus were
different. He had not seen Jesus so disturbed like this before. He had not seen
a Jesus who sweats blood as he prayed. And for sure he didn’t see and expect a
Jesus who surrendered himself to his enemies without any fight back to be
killed by them.
Peter might have expected a miracle to happen and
Jesus would walk away free. Jesus had already done it before. When people
wanted to push Jesus of cliff, he walked away right through the angry mob.Pharisees and teachers of the Law were in constant
hunt to kill Jesus. But somehow Jesus would escape them.
But this time was different. As peter followed
this Jesus into the courtyard, he was shocked to see Jesus laying aside his
powers and become bound by chains as a criminal. People were insulting him and
were planning to kill him in a few hours.
It was in this background, as one of the girl identified
Peter with Jesus, peter said I do not know HIM. In one way, Peter was right. He
had not known this meek and completely surrendered Jesus. He did not know a
Jesus who would not use his powers to fight injustice that was happening for
him. He did not know a Jesus who would die naked on the cross. He for sure did
not know this Jesus.
As peter began to see the sufferings of Jesus, he
might have first said to himself, that he did not know Jesus.
Have you
ever felt this way? Have ever felt that Jesus you knew from a few experience
some times is different from the one you are now experiencing? Sometimes Jesus
does things that you never expect and you might be very discouraged as peter
and say i do not know this Jesus. But let us learn from peter’s experience.
Instead of saying and being shocked at the way Jesus does things in your life, remember
that we have a Jesus who surrendered, suffered, and was sentenced to die.
Peter did not know Jesus but Jesus was never
shocked when peter denied him as Jesus knew peter well. He knows you well.
Instead of saying i do not know this Jesus, let us
say i want to know Jesus.
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