When Will Day Arrive?
I pray that they will
all be one, just as you and I are one--as you are in me, Father, and I am in
you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me. -
Jesus (John 17:21)
There is a Jewish
story that goes like this.
“How do we know,” a
rabbi asked his disciples, “when the night is over and the day has arrived?”
One student replied:
Night is over and day arrives, when you can see a house in the distance and
determine if that’s your house or the house of your neighbor.
Another student
responded: Night is over and day arrives when you can see an animal in the
field and determine if it belongs to you or to your neighbor.
A third said: Night is
over and day has arrived when you can see a flower in the garden and distinguish
its color.
“No, no, no” said the
Rabbi, “Why must you see only in separations, only in distinctions, and
dis-junctions. No. Night is over and day arrives when you can look into the
face of the person beside you and you can see that person as your brother, as
your sister. Night is over when you can see that you belong to each other. That
you are one"
Day will arrive in
Christianity when we see each others face and see them as brothers. Right now
we see others through the lens of denominations, caste, doctrines, beliefs, and
so on. Let us put down all these lens and see each other as brothers and
sisters in Christ. Let the night of disunity end. Let day arrive. Let us strive
to live in unity because that was the desire and prayer of Jesus.
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