
Showing posts from July, 2017

Dance and Jump or Walk

I see a lot of "dancing in the Spirit, jumping in the Spirit, laughing in the Spirit, falling down in the Spirit" in our churches. I am not going to go in detail about them. But what the Word of God teaches us so clearly is that we need to be people who "Walk in the Spirit". (Galatians 5:16, 25) We need to walk in the Spirit and teach others to do the same. Lord, help us to Walk in the Spirit and not according to the desires of the flesh. Amen.

Everyone or Only One!

Jesus warned his disciples against the teachers of the law or the scribes and the pharisees. Its interesting to note that Jesus never said, "be on your guard against drunkards, or be on your guard against prostitutes." But he said, "be on your guard against the teachers of the law..." Luke 20:46. Of course Jesus did not agree with the actions of drunkards and prostitutes. But the greatest threat according to Jesus for his disciples are the teachers of the law who live for other people's eyes. They follow all their spiritual disciples just to impress everyone around them. So Jesus warns us against such people. Even in the sermon the mount, Jesus explains the motives of the pharisees. They gave so that people would see and praise them..."They do it so that people will praise them.." Matt 6:2 They prayed so that everyone will see them...." that everyone will see them" Matt 6:5 They fasted in such a way that everyone will see t...

Cult of Celebrity

I am really tired of watching Christian ministers who have "become" a celebrity. They are all over the place. One of the distinguished marks of these celebrities is that they are inaccessible. No one can reach them. They can be seen only on the stage. They are busy "Men/Women of God". They behave as if God must be really indebted to have them on his team. They love prominent places and popularity is a drug for them. John Calvin died as he lived--opposed to "idolatry" or "celebrity." His body was put in white sheet, plain cedarwood coffin, unmarked common pit. He took pains to fade as namelessly from this world as he could. He requested burial in an unmarked grave hoping to prevent pilgrims.   In one of the last commentaries he wrote, he commented on the death and burial of Moses, "It is good that famous men should be buried in unmarked graves." He wanted His God to be famous! William Carey, the great missionary t...