Everyone or Only One!

Jesus warned his disciples against the teachers of the law or the scribes and the pharisees.
Its interesting to note that Jesus never said, "be on your guard against drunkards, or be on your guard against prostitutes." But he said, "be on your guard against the teachers of the law..." Luke 20:46.
Of course Jesus did not agree with the actions of drunkards and prostitutes. But the greatest threat according to Jesus for his disciples are the teachers of the law who live for other people's eyes. They follow all their spiritual disciples just to impress everyone around them. So Jesus warns us against such people.

Even in the sermon the mount, Jesus explains the motives of the pharisees.

They gave so that people would see and praise them..."They do it so that people will praise them.." Matt 6:2
They prayed so that everyone will see them...." ...so that everyone will see them" Matt 6:5
They fasted in such a way that everyone will see them..".....so that everyone will see them" Matt 6:16

They did the right things with the wrong motives. They were concerned about what others would think about them.

This can be so true of our spiritual life. Many a time, all we want is everyone should see us.

In all three instance Jesus says, let the Father's eyes alone see you. Pray, fast and give and let only your Father see you. Pharisees said "everyone", But Jesus says, "Only One". Whose eyes are we working for?  Let us work for the audience of One! Don't get carried away by the likes, comments, and the thumbs ups. We work for God and wait to hear him say, "Well done".


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