Let Your Tears Fall

My father died in a bike accident some years back. During the funeral there were so many people, friends, relatives’ and neighbors. Many were trying to comfort me. They said a lot of things which I don’t remember now. But I remember one person, one of my friend, not because what he said, but because what he did. He wept. He wept with me. He never said a word, but he was by my side weeping. And somehow his tears comforted me. His tears showed me how much he loved me. Even today when I think of his tears, I am comforted. Tears somehow have this unique ability to show how much we love a person.
In John chapter 11, we see a beautiful incident. (Please do read the chapter) Lazarus is sick. Jesus delays. Sisters Panic. Lazarus dies. Jesus arrives. Mary weeps at Jesus feet. And you know what I love this verse. JESUS WEPT. He didn’t hide his tears. He didn’t hold back his tears so that he would appear strong. No He Wept. What a God we Have. As we weep at his feet, He is moved, he is troubled, and he weeps. The world tells us that if we weep, we are weak. But not Jesus. He not only gives the permission to weep but weeps with us. And what did his tears symbolize to people who were around him. Listen. This is what they said, “Then the Jews said, “See how he loved him!” His tears showed people how much he loved him. Many times we hold back our tears and we are not ready to weep with those who weep. And hence we don’t show them how much we love them. Don’t hold back. Its OK to weep. Let your tears freely fall and allow people, friends and family to see how much you love them. Don’t hide your tears. As Jesus raised Lazarus from dead, people didn’t say, see how much he loves him. It was when Jesus wept, people realized his love. You may think you need to do great things for others to show your love, but in reality a few drop of tears can show others your great love for them. There is no great comfort than to see someone weep for and with us. Don’t hold back, let your tears fall….


  1. I'm sorry for the loss of your dad.

    Very thought provoking! Most of your blog entries leaves me so stunned that I really don't know what to comment :)

  2. Great words my brother. Such a timely reminder of the power of tears. I was just reading this text yesterday and encouraged by Jesus's patience with all his followers and of course this was motivated by His love. His tears demonstrated this love and what a reminder it is to us of His love. Its as if He is saying in bold letters I LOVE YOU Kingsley, I LOVE YOU Mark. Thank you Lord!

    Blessings to you brother.

  3. Thanks for being so Kind to me Sandhya ..:)
    Good that it helps.

  4. Thanks brother Mark. Great is His Love.

  5. That's a very very nice post..

  6. Great Post Bro. God bless ur writing and may it comfort many

  7. I'm sorry for your loss your right though shedding a few tears can show a lot. This post literally made me cry. I have honestly not weeped in months, but when my first few tears fell it felt amazing so they just kept flowing.

    God bless you


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